
Representative Wasserman Schultz Appointed to DNC Chair

President Obama named Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) to replace former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine (D) as the chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for the 2012 election cycle. Congresswoman Wasserman Shultz will be the first woman chair of the DNC since Debra DeLee, who served from 1994 to 1995.

Wasserman Shultz is in her fourth term in the House of Representatives and has announced that she will continue in this position while also serving as DNC chair. Currently, she is the chief deputy whip and serves on the Budget and Judiciary committees.

Former Governor Kaine announced yesterday that he will be running for the Virginia Senate.


Washington Post 4/5/11; MSNBC 4/5/11; Christian Science Monitor 4/5/11

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