
Republican Party Platform Reviewed

The official Republican Party Platform adopted this week has the potential to threaten women’s rights domestically and abroad. Globally, the platform (see PDF) rejects adopting the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). It supports withholding funds from international organizations involved in abortion and upholding the “Mexico City Policy,” which prohibits federal monies from being given to non-governmental organizations that provide abortions or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other countries.

Domestically, the platform targets abortion rights by opposing clinics at schools that provide information or referrals for abortion or contraception and by supporting parental notification requirements for both abortion and contraception. The platform also supports a constitutional amendment in support of human life, protection of the unborn under the 14th Amendment, and the appointment of more pro-life judges. The platform opposes abortion in all cases and does not allow for exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or maternal health.

Additionally, while the platform supports “the advancement of women in the military” it also favors their “exemption from ground combat units.” Also regarding the military, the platform supports banning gays and lesbians from service.


2008 Republican Platform

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