The feminist movement is gearing up in preparation for the Supreme Court confirmation hearings on John Roberts for Chief Justice. The hearings were rescheduled to begin September 12 at noon, and will continue throughout the week beginning at 9:30 am each day.
“As Chief Justice, Roberts would be in the nation’s top judicial leadership position to roll backwards the gains made by women and people of color over the past 40 years,” said Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority. His record indicates he would greatly weaken anti-discrimination statutes in employment and education; ignore wage discrimination; refuse to give constitutional protection against sex discrimination under the Equal Protection Clause; gut Title IX; water down voting rights; cut back affirmative action; eliminate the right to privacy (which he has mocked); and reverse Roe v. Wade.
Though the nation’s attention is rightly focused on the Hurricane Katrina tragedy, women’s and civil rights groups are working to ensure that Senators are aware of the massive opposition to Roberts. The Feminist Majority and the National Organization for Women are planning daily visibility actions make it clear that women do not want to go backwards.
TAKE ACTION Urge your Senators to vote NO on Roberts
VOLUNTEER to Stop Roberts – we need help online, in Washington, DC, and in your own community!