
Scientific American Names First Woman Editor-in-Chief

Nature Publishing Group, which publishes Scientific American, announced yesterday that Mariette DiChristina will be the 164-year-old publication’s first woman Editor-in-Chief. DiChristina has been acting Editor-in-Chief since June, when John Rennie left the position, according to Scientific American. Previously, she was the publication’s executive editor.

DiChristina has worked for more than 20 years in science journalism. In addition to her work at Scientific American, she spent nearly 14 years at competing publication Popular Science, where she eventually became executive editor; she founded, launched, and edited Scientific American Mind; and currently serves as president of the National Association of Science Writers.

DiChristina told FishBowlNY, “I have two young daughters; one of them wants to be a scientist, and the other one wants to be the editor of Scientific American…I think anybody who is a position of leadership should feel a sense of responsibility. And I don’t know if mine is any greater or less because I’m a first for the magazine. I know I’m very honored and grateful.”


Scientific American Press Release 12/3/09; FishbowlNY 12/3/09

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