
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings to Begin on Gun Control

The first Senate Judiciary Committee hearing concerning gun control since President Obama announced his commitment to reducing gun violence begins today. Obama’s proposal for gun control includes the reinstatement of a ban on “assault” weapons, a limit on ammunition capacities, and more extensive background checks.

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and husband Mark Kelly, who recently launched an anti-gun PAC in response to the 2011 attack that left Giffords critically injured, are scheduled to speak at today’s hearing. Also speaking is National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre, who sees the proposal as a restriction to Second Amendment rights and recently called for armed police officers in every school in the United States and creation of a national database to track those with mental illness after the Sandy Hook Massacre.

Earlier in January, President Barack Obama publicly announced a comprehensive plan for addressing gun violence in the United States. In a press conference, President Obama announced that he would use the full extent of his executive power to curb gun violence in the United States and called on Congress to take legislative action to increase gun control.


CBS 1/30/2013; NY Daily News 1/30/2013; Reuters 1/30/2013; Feminist Newswire 1/17/2013, 1/8/2013, 12/21/12, 1/10/2011

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