Today is the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers. This year, we want to put the spotlight on the courageous doctors and staff of three clinics we know are working hard, despite continual threats against them, to provide crucial reproductive health services to women who need it most. Join us in sending them our thanks!

Remember – violence and threats against abortion clinics are not things of the past. These clinics are embattled, but their doctors, administrators, and healthcare workers brave it all to make sure women have the access to the vitally needed health services they deserve. Jackson Women’s Health Organization in Jackson, Mississippi; South Wind Women’s Center, LLC in Wichita, Kansas; and Reproductive Health Services in Germantown, Maryland, are three examples of clinics that do what’s right through adversity.
Make sure these clinics know they are appreciated! Sign the card now and we will pass your name and support along to thank them for their courageous services.