One of Wisconsin’s six clinics offering abortion services reopened after a state district attorney presented doctors and staff of the Summit Women’s Health Organization with a signed affidavit stating that the clinic’s employees would not be prosecuted for performing early-term abortions.
Last week, all six of Wisconsin’s clinics were closed down after a law that prohibits certain late-term abortion procedures went into effect. Because the prohibited procedure is broadly defined and carries a harsh life sentence for offenders, physicians were forced to cancel all surgical abortion procedures.
Diane Pogrant of the Summit Women’s Health Organization said that her clinic has been filled with desperate and terrified patients since the law took effect last week. “I had to find some other way to not have this child. I cannot have this child,” said one such patient.
The law will remain in effect until a federal court in Chicago blocks enforcement of the law or until the law is appealed.
Feminist News Stories on Abortion