
So-Called “Pro-Life” Pharmacies Refuse to Stock Birth Control

A small but growing number of so-called “pro-life” pharmacies are refusing to stock birth control products, condoms, and emergency contraception. The Washington Post reports that these pharmacy owners refuse to stock such items due to so-called “moral objections,” and even refuse to provide referrals to obtain safe and legal birth control elsewhere.

California, New Jersey, Illinois and Washington state have begun requiring pharmacies to fill all prescriptions or provide a referral to help women fill them elsewhere, and at least another 10 states are considering such requirements, according to the Washington Post. However, it is unclear how such regulations will apply to these pharmacies.

“Rape victims could end up in a pharmacy not understanding this pharmacy will not meet their needs,” said Marcia Greenberger of the National Women’s Law Center, according to the Daily Women’s Health Policy Report, “We’ve seen an alarming development of pharmacists over the last several years refusing to fill prescriptions, and sometimes even taking the prescription from the woman and refusing to give it back to her so she can fill it in another pharmacy.”


Washington Post 6/16/08; Daily Women Health Policy Report 6/16/08

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