Yesterday, a father was stabbed outside a Grant Pass, Oregon, Planned Parenthood clinic after a dispute erupted between his daughter and an anti-choice protestor.
According to the police report, the situation began after the daughter, Kailah Clair, kicked a protest sign outside the Planned Parenthood clinic. The protestor, Christopher Tolhurst, responded by pushing the girl. Clair later returned to the site with her father, Ted Clair, who punched and forced Tolhurst to the ground. Tolhurst then stabbed Mr. Clair seven times – Mr. Clair has been hospitalized and is currently in stable condition. Ms. Clair was also treated for cuts on her hands.
Police released the protester and, according to Grant Pass Police Lieutenant Dennis Ward, “there are self-defense issues to be sorted out in the case”. According to the Huffington Post, whether or not charges are filed now depends on the district attorney.
Media Resources: Associated Press 10/24/12; Huffington Post 10/24/12