Catalyst, a non-profit organization that works to advance women in business, announced a new study aimed at understanding why women constitute only a little more than a quarter of all MBA students nationwide. Researchers will investigate the strengths and weaknesses of MBA programs for women and will examine the support that female MBA students receive.
Women make up only 29 percent of MBA students. However, women-owned businesses that employ over 15 million people have increased by 18 percent in the last five years.
Catalyst President Sheila Wellington said, “The enrollment of women at the nation’s leading business schools has stagnated, even while enrollments of women in other professional programs, like law and medicine, mirror the nation’s economic trend toward having nearly equal representation of men and women.”
Carol Hollenshead, Director of the Center for the Education of Women, stated “A great deal of progress has been made in understanding how to attract women to science and engineering careers and we hope to replicate that trend for women and business.”
The University of Michigan Business School and The Center for the Education of Women at the University of Michigan will also participate in the study.