
Subcommittee Hearing on Stereotypes and Degrading Images in the Media

Following five months of meetings by the Women for Dignity and Diversity in the Media (WDDM) coalition, the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection will hold a hearing today titled From Imus to Industry: The Business of Stereotypes and Degrading Images. Along with Rep. Bobby Rush, D-IL, WDDM has been working towards these Congressional Hearings since the Don Imus debacle regarding his derogatory statements, about the Rutgers University Women’s Basketball team.

WDDM is a strong coalition of women’s rights and civil rights groups, including the National Congress of Black Women, National Council of Negro Women, National Organization for Women, and the Feminist Majority. They have also been meeting with media executives to improve the image of women and women of color in the media.

The witness list for the hearing today includes Dr. Faye Williams, national chair of National Congress for Black Women and Phillip P. Dauman, President and CEO of Viacom International, Inc.


Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection Schedule; Feminist Daily Newswire 4/10/07

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