
Sudanese President Criticizes Taliban’s Treatment of Women

The Sudanese President Omar el Beshir recently spoke out against Afghanistan’s Taliban regime and its treatment of women.

The Taliban, who now control 90% of Afghanistan, have implemented harsh and oppressive policies against women, including denial of access to education and the job market. To justify their actions they have relied heavily on claims that they practice a form of orthodox Islam.

Beshir, according to Mohammed Ali al-Tasheri, the Iranian presidential adviser, had “expressed his indignation with the Taliban for presenting a distorted image of Islam by depriving women of their right to work and education”.

He also expressed dismay at the misuse of Moslem precepts by the Taliban in creating rules that deny women of their rights.

Sudan, led by Beshir, has been an Islamist regime since 1989.


AFP - September 18, 1998

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