On Sunday, nearly 200 abortion rights activists gathered at the Reproductive Health Services in Germantown, MD to kick off the Summer Celebration of Choice week in support of abortion provider Dr. LeRoy Carhart, who has been practicing at the clinic since December. About 100 anti-abortion protestors launched their week of morning protests today, which was expected to be their largest morning demonstration of the week.
Supporters will be outside the clinic all week, serving as a peaceful reminder that support for abortion rights is a majority position in the country and as reinforcement of our determination that the clinic will stay open.
Kim Gandy, Vice President and General Counsel of the Feminist Majority Foundation, said, “Dr. Carhart and this clinic have made a commitment to serving women’s health needs, and the women’s rights community is here to support their work.”
The Reproductive Health Services clinic offers comprehensive family planning, male sexual health care, education programs, and abortion services, including specialized care in late abortion cases.
Prior to Dr. George Tiller’s murder in Wichita in May 2009, Dr. Carhart had traveled to Wichita each month to work with Dr. Tiller. After the murder, Dr. Carhart became the chief target of Operation Rescue, which is based in Wichita but organized the Germantown demonstrations.
Feminist Majority Foundation 8/1/11; Washington Post 7/31/11