The US Supreme Court today refused to hear a case involving the public display of a Ten Commandments monument in Alabama’s Judicial Building. The appeal was filed by Roy Moore, who was suspended as Alabama’s Chief Justice after he defied a federal order to remove the 2.5-ton monument from the rotunda of the courthouse. By refusing to hear the case, the Supreme Court lets the federal ruling stand.
The monument was installed by Moore in the rotunda secretly in the middle of the night in 2001, and in August it was moved to a private location in the court building. Moore goes to trial on Nov. 12 on judicial ethics charges for violating the federal order, according to the Associated Press. “This is the end of the legal line for Roy Moore,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, in a press statement. “The Supreme Court’s decision today brings an end to Moore’s grandstanding … He has exploited the Ten Commandments for personal political gain long enough.”