Health Reproductive Rights Take Action

Take Action for Purvi Patel!

You may have already heard the news. The first woman to ever be convicted of feticide was just sentenced to 20 years in prison for having a miscarriage.

This is horrifying. We must demand justice.

33-year-old Purvi Patel was convicted – based on highly contested junk science that was literally developed in the 17th century – of child neglect and feticide. Patel says she suffered a miscarriage and there is no evidence to show otherwise. It is an outrage to criminalize women for miscarrying.



Sign the petition to tell Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and the Indiana State Legislature to “Just Fix This,” too! They must repeal the Indiana statewide law that threatens all pregnant women, especially women of color and low-income women with criminal prosecution for miscarriage. No woman in tragic circumstances should have to endure the cruel and unusual punishment of criminal prosecution for a miscarriage – and worse yet, conviction and imprisonment. Is Indiana becoming the state of no compassion and no tolerance?

Click here to sign the petition demanding Indiana fix this now.