The sixth annual Ms. Foundation for Women’s Take Our Daughters to Work Day will take place on April 23, 1998. In 1997, around 48.3 million people reported that either their company spouse’s participated in the day, designed to help girls aged 9 to 15 “learn about what their futures can hold.” Ms. Foundation President Marie C. Wilson said, “We are hearing from parents, teachers, business and community leaders — and girls themselves — that the Day is a positive, powerful experience that can make a real difference in their lives.”
Events will take place across the country and in a variety of settings. At the United Nations headquarters in New York City, 800 girls will work in the General Assembly Hall to consider human rights issues and hear from the U.N.’s first female Deputy Secretary General and several ambassadors.
Women working at NASA will hold a “Virtual Take Our Daughters to Work Day,” in which girls from all over the world can participate in an online chat with ten female leaders from different professions.
The Ms. Foundation has published a manual that “transforms the lessons” of Take Our Daughters to Work Day, entitled, Girls Seen and Heard: 52 Life Lessons for Our Daughters.
For more information, visit their web site at :, or call Melissa Silverstein at 212/742-2300, ext. 420 or 411.