Since 1995 the Abortion Access Project has organized Abortion Access Action Month (AAAM), every October. AAAM is a month-long series of events aimed at building public awareness around abortion access issues, organized by grass-roots women’s rights groups and students.
AAAM is designed to coincide with Rosie Jimnez Day and National Young Women’s Day of Action (NYWDA) in remembrance of Rosie Jimnez, the first woman to die as a result of legislation barring federal funding for abortions for low-income women. AAAM is now a national event. Throughout October, community and student groups across Massachusetts and nationally will be participating in activities to highlight women’s need for access to reproductive health services. Join us to speak out for access to abortion in your community!
Many events will be added! Check often for an updated list of activities. To get involved, receive an organizing packet, become a co-sponsor, schedule a speaker for your group, or for more information, please contact