
The Citadel Faces Child Abuse Allegations

Amidst news of the Penn State abuse scandal, the Citadel, a South Carolina military academy, has released details of an alumnus and former camp counselor at the school who faces charges of criminal sexual conduct with a child. Louis Neal “Skip” ReVille is accused of attempting to perform lewd acts on a minor. The allegations come as the college admits to having received a complaint in 2007 in which ReVille invited two Citadel Summer Camp attendees to watch pornography in his room. ReVille denied the accusations, and taking into consideration his status as a highly respected cadet, the college dropped the matter.

On the initial handling of the complaint, Citadel President Lt. Gen John W. Rosa and Doug Snyder, chairman of The Citadel Board of Visitors, said in a statement that, “Despite the concerns of the family, whose right to privacy was foremost on our minds, we regret that we did not pursue this matter further.”

According to the Huffington Post, ReVille graduated from the Citadel in 2002, having received the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award for his service as a cadet. ReVille is said to have held the position of upper school principal at Coastal Christian Prep in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, where he spent years working with local children.


Huffington Post 11/14/11; CNN 11/14/11

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