Actors Lara Flynn Boyle, Lisa Gay Hamilaton, Camryn Manheim, Marla Sokoloff and Kelli Williams of ABC-Television’s “The Practice” will appear in an informational magazine insert on the topic of breast cancer.
The insert, titled “The Best Defense” and sponsored by the Ford Foundation, will be included in May issues of four women’s magazines including VOGUE, Mademoiselle, Glamour, Self, and Women’s Sports and Fitness. The insert will be six-pages long and is designed to raise awareness of breast cancer and to encourage women to take responsibility for their health. The text of the insert is written as a conversation between the women actors, who discuss their own experiences with breast cancer.
Also included in the insert is information about the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s many “Race for the Cure” events, postcards that readers can send to friends and family, urging them to participate in the races, to do regular breast self-exams, and to get regular mammograms.
Race for the Cure events include nationwide 5K runs and walks that raise money for breast cancer research, education, testing, and treatment. Ninety-eight different races have been scheduled for this year, including one in New York City, scheduled for September 19th.
The insert text also encourages readers to submit essays about a woman or women in their life who have faced breast cancer with great strength and determination. The Ford Foundation will review these essays and choose several to appear on the Ford Division Web site. In addition, the Foundation will arrange for one essayist and a guest to participate in New York City’s Komen Race for the Cure on September 19th.