The World Future Councilors and Ambassadors are calling on governments to end the practice of Female Genitalia Mutilation, or FGM. Today, on International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, dozens of activists, writers, and leaders are releasing a statement calling for a global increase in action to end FGM worldwide.
Although the practice of FGM is on the decline, millions of women and girls are affected by it annually. The procedure, which involves the partial or total removal of external genitalia, is designed to decrease women’s sexual desire and is seen in many cultures as essential for a women’s suitability for marriage. The practice is also known to both increase the risk of HIV transmission and infant and maternal mortality rates.
FGM is widely recognized as a violation of human rights, including by the United Nations. According to UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Geeta Rao Gupta, “FGM/C [sic] is a violation of a girl’s rights to health, well-being and self-determination. What is clear from this report is that legislation alone is not enough. The challenge now is to let girls and women, boys and men speak out loudly and clearly and announce they want this harmful practice abandoned.”
The statement by the World Future Councilors and Ambassadors lists successful policy implementation, listing the criminalization of FGM as one tool for governments to use in putting an end to FGM. Education of health workers, representatives of law, teachers, and communities is also something that was suggested by the World Future Council as a means of preventing FGM.
“With political will and long-term, comprehensive state action, we will be able to guarantee future generations a life free from this extreme form of violence against women and girls,” the statement says.
Media Resources: 2/5/15; Feminist Newswire 7/23/14; UNICEF