The United Nations reported Tuesday that a thirteen-year old Somali girl was stoned to death after her family tried to report her rape. According to the New York Times, the girl, identified by Amnesty International as Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, was raped by three men while on her way to visit her grandmother in Mogadishu.
Duholow was detained in the southern port city of Kimsayu and accused of adultery by members of the radical Islamic insurgent group, al-Shabab. Local leaders then said Duhulow was guilty of adultery under the Shariah, Islam’s legal code, and sentenced her to death. After being placed in a hole, she was stoned by 50 men in front of a crowd of about 1,000 on-lookers, according to the New York Times.
BBC News reports that this is the first stoning reported in Kimsayu since it was captured by Islamic insurgents.