
Thousands March for Peace in Washington DC

Thousands of protesters marched from the White House to the Capitol on Saturday to demand an end to the war in Iraq. Several women’s groups, including CODEPINK and the National Congress of Black Women, sponsored a women’s convergence earlier in the day before joining the larger rally at the White House before the march. Addressing the very large crowd were Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK, Cindy Sheehan, Ralph Nader, and many others.

The march was mostly peaceful, but protestors were arrested after hundreds laid on the ground in a “die in.” The Washington Post reports 189 protestors were arrested, including 10 who, according to the march’s organizers, were veterans of the war.

The march on Saturday kicked off a planned week of activities. Today CODEPINK will lead other peace groups in a guided tour through the halls of Congress targeting “members who are staunch supporters of the Iraq war, encourage military strike against Iran’ and those who receive oil and defense monies.”


Washington Post 9/16/07; Associated Press 9/16/07; Los Angeles Times 9/16/07; CODEPINK Press Release 9/16/07

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