The Women’s Health Care Services clinic in Wichita, Kansas, was severely vandalized earlier this month. Dr. George Tiller, medical director, is one of the few late-term abortion providers in the country.
According to the Associated Press, Dr. Tiller’s lawyer said that wires to security cameras and outdoor lights were cut and that the vandals also cut through the roof and plugged the buildings’ downspouts. Rain poured through the roof and caused thousands of dollars of damage in the clinic. Dr. Tiller has reportedly asked the FBI to investigate the incident.
Dr. Tiller and his clinic have faced continuous threats and lawsuits. A Wichita jury ruled in March that Dr. Tiller was not guilty of illegal abortion on 19 criminal charges he faced for allegedly violating a state law requiring an “independent” second physician’s concurring opinion before performing later term abortions. Immediately following the ruling in this criminal case, the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts made public a similar complaint against Tiller that was originally filed in December 2008. Tiller’s medical license could eventually be suspended or revoked by the board on the basis of the complaint.