In honor of the 25th Anniversary of Title IX (June 23, 1997), the federal law that prohibits gender discrimination in federally-funded education, President Clinton issued a directive asking all federal agencies to develop enforcement plans for Title IX, and to take action to eradicate discrimination in educational programs conducted by the federal government (which are not currently covered by Title IX).
In related news, a new bill in Congress would make it easier to learn about colleges and universities’ athletics budgets and participation rates for women. Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun has introduced the Fair Play Act, which would require colleges and universities to submit statistical information about their athletics programs to the Department of Education for dissemination to the public through their World Wide Web site and toll-free phone number. Colleges and universities already collect this information in compliance with a previous law sponsored by Moseley-Braun, but the information is currently not compiled and disseminated nationally.
Title IX baseball caps are available at the Women’s Sports Foundation, 1-800-227-3988.