
Title IX Updates from Campuses Nationwide

The Bush Administration has created the “Commission on Opportunity in Athletics” to evaluate whether the current standards Title IX of the Education Act that apply to athletic participation should be revised and how. The purpose of the Commission’s report could severely undermine Title IX and the gains women have made in athletics. Leadership Alliances and feminists across the country have organized campaigns and shown support for women in sports by sending testimonies and letters of support for Title IX to the Commission on Opportunity in Athletics.

The INDIANA UNIVERSITY AT BLOOMINGTON FMLA created a letter/email of support that their members forwarded to friends, family, coaches, and any other females that have participated in school sports and sent 23 testimonies of support to the Commission!

Earlier this semester, the FMLA at the UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AT OMAHA created supportive palm cards for Title IX and Women’s sports that they passed out during the campus volleyball games. They used the palm cards to show support for women athletes on campus and to raise consciousness about the threats to Title IX by the current administration.

As part of their efforts, the VASSAR FMLA mailed out 305 letters to the Commission in support of Title IX. Thanks to all of the FMLAs and activists involved in supporting women and girls in sports!

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