
Title IX Updates from San Diego Hearing

The last in a series of public hearings on Title IX, the 1972 law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education, took place last week in San Diego, California. Attendees at the first day of the hearing packed the ballroom of a downtown San Diego hotel. Over 40 young feminists from the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-SAN DIEGO (UCSD) FMLA provided a strong young women’s presence, both at the hearing and at a rally during the lunch break. “This is not only about equal opportunity for women in sports,” stated Michelle Wood, West Coast Director of the Feminist Majority Foundation’s Campus Program. “This is first and foremost about achieving equality for women. We must preserve Title IX to ensure equality for women and girls in all areas of life.” The UCSD FMLA has received tremendous support by their University, including a recent Associated Student Body unanimous vote for the adoption of the FMLA’s pro-Title IX resolution. Additionally, the FMLA received university funding to caravan students to the downtown San Diego hearings and to produce materials and T-shirts. Through their Title IX activism, the UCSD FMLA has affected campus policy campus and institutionalized a feminist platform on campus that fully supports women in sports. MORE >>

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