
Today» Show: Stop Gender Apartheid NY Event Tonight

Mavis Leno, wife of comedian Jay Leno, was interviewed this morning by Katie Couric of NBC’s Today show about FMF’s Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan. The interview was held in preparation for an educational event being held tonight, October 18, at 7:30pm at 541 Lexington Avenue in New York City. The fundraiser will be attended by a host of celebrities, including Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, Geena Davis, Cybill Sheperd, and Renee Zellweger.

Proceeds will go to support FMF’s Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan. The Campaign has already had a major impact on U.S. policy towards Afghanistan, helping to double the number of Afghan refugees allowed in to the U.S. each year and to stop the U.S. and U.N. from recognizing the Taliban as the official government of Afghanistan. The Campaign has also helped several families whose lives were threatened by the Taliban gain refugee status in the U.S.


Feminist Majority Foundation - October 18, 1999

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