Photo from Unplash
Donald Trump has begun his second term in office by signing an executive order that prevents foreign organizations receiving U.S. global health assistance from providing information, referrals, or services for legal abortion, or advocating for access to abortion services in their country. This policy is widely known as “The Global Gag Rule.”
Historically referred to as the “Mexico City Policy,” the rule was first introduced by the Reagan administration in 1984. The policy is usually stripped under Democratic administrations and reinstated under Republicans since its initial implementation. Though it has been in effect for only about half of its 41 years of existence, its impact on women worldwide has been significant.
Under traditional Republican administrations, the rule restricts approximately $600 million in international aid annually from going to foreign organizations that support abortion. Adherence to this policy allows foreign NGOs to receive aid specifically for family planning assistance. Under Trump, however, the policy was significantly expanded, requiring compliance for any foreign NGO seeking not only family planning and reproductive health aid but also funding for “maternal and child health, nutrition, HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, neglected tropical diseases, and global health security.”
Foreign NGOs now face a difficult choice: provide access to abortion and abortion-related resources or forgo critical funding necessary for addressing a range of health issues affecting both women and men.
The policy explicitly prohibits “providing advice about or offering referrals for abortion, advocating for changes to a country’s abortion laws, or conducting public campaigns on abortion”. In essence, it “gags” NGOs not only from offering abortion-related services but also from discussing or promoting them.
The consequences of this policy are devastating to the health and well-being of women, children, and families globally. It disproportionately impacts women and girls in marginalized and underrepresented communities. By restricting access to safe abortions, the policy strips women of their bodily autonomy and freedoms, ultimately causing harm and jeopardizing their health.
During the policy’s previous implementation under Trump, there were significant spikes in pregnancy-related deaths, reproductive coercion, and gender inequality. Without essential funding, NGOs dedicated to serving women in high-need communities are forced to shut down or scale back operations. “This leaves women in countries like Uganda, Madagascar, and Zimbabwe without access to contraception, cervical cancer care, and other critical reproductive health services”. These countries, where abortion is already illegal, are particularly affected, as they lose access to even more essential care. Cutting funding doesn’t just reduce abortions—it undermines all forms of healthcare.
Research has shown that the Global Gag Rule has actually increased the number of abortions worldwide, proving it counterproductive to its stated goal. For example, “a quantitative study found spikes in abortion rates among rural women in Ghana during the Bush administration and declines under the Obama administration”. This is likely due to reduced contraception access under the policy, leading to higher rates of unintended pregnancies.
The Global Gag Rule has consistently demonstrated its harmful and counterproductive nature, undermining global health efforts while exacerbating inequities for women and girls. Rather than achieving its stated aim, the policy creates unnecessary suffering and jeopardizes the health and rights of millions worldwide. Ending the cycle of reinstating this policy could pave the way for more effective and equitable global health interventions.