The United States is just a “C” student when it comes to gender equity in education, according to the National Coalition of Women and Girls in Education.
The Coalition will release a Report Card on Gender Equity on Monday, June 23, in honor of the 25th anniversary of Title IX, the federal law that prohibits gender discrimination in education at a press conference at 10:00am at the National Press Club’s First Amendment Room in Washington, DC.
The “C” average means that while some progress has been made, more improvement is necessary. The federal government received its best grade, B-, for access to higher education. Before Title IX passed in 1972, many professional schools such as medical schools and law schools, did not admit women. Even colleges that did admit women often had tougher admissions standards for them. Many scholarships were restricted to men, gave preference to men, or were unavailable to married or parenting women. While those barriers have fallen, women continue to be underrepresented in non-traditional fields, and more athletic scholarships are still awarded to men.
The government received its worst grade, D+, for dealing with sexual harassment in education. While 81% of high schoolers saying they have experienced sexual harassment, schools and the Department of Education have done little to deal with this problem.
In other areas the government received a “C” grade: athletics, career education, employment, learning environment, math and science, standardized testing, and treatment of pregnant and parenting students.
For more information about the Report Card, call the National Women’s Law Center at (202) 588-5180.