The Kentucky state Senate voted overwhelmingly in a 32 to 4 vote yesterday in favor of a bill that would require women who are seeking an abortion to have and view an ultrasound prior to the procedure. The bill, introduced by state Senator Elizabeth Tori (R), also requires patients to meet with a doctor 24 hours prior to the procedure and requires doctors to describe details of the ultrasound images at that time. State Senator Kathy Stein (D), an active supporter of abortion rights, proposed an amendment to the bill that would have prohibited all abortion except in cases where a woman’s life is endangered. She told the Courier Journal that she did so because “It’s obvious from the actions of this body for the past 14 years that it is all about ways to stop abortions…I believe we can put all of that aside. We can read between the lines.” State Senate President David Williams blocked a vote on the amendment because it was not relevant to the bill. The state Senate judiciary committee voted unanimously last week in favor of the ultrasound bill. Similar bills have previously passed the state Senate, but have died in the Democrat-controlled state House. State House Speaker Greg Stumbo told the Associated Press that the bill will at least “get a hearing.”