A group of 30 female nurse practitioners and physician assistants in the University of Michigan Health System are suing the university for wage discrimination. The women work in the cardiology, oncology and radiology departments, and state that the university has paid male workers in comparable jobs more over the past three years, according to the Ann Arbor News.
The lawsuit states that the university violated both Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based upon religion, race and sex, among other factors, and the federal Equal Pay Act of 1963. According to the Michigan Daily.The women are seeking back wages for the past three years, monetary damages for the University’s discrimination and a court order ensuring fair pay in the future.
This suit joins another discrimination action against the University of Michigan. Former Law School Prof. Peter Hammer filed suit against UM in 2005 for allegedly denying him tenure because he is openly gay, reports the Michigan Daily.