
UNC Allows Abortion Coverage Opt-Out

The University of North Carolina (UNC) has decided to institute an opt-out option for abortion coverage in school sponsored health insurance. Abortion coverage does not factor into the cost of the university’s insurance, which ranges from $350 to $375 a semester, according to National Partnership for Women and Families. The existing plan gives students a $500 benefit for “elective abortion”, according to CNS News. UNC students are not required to buy the health plan, but starting this fall, all students on UNC campuses they are required to have some form of medical insurance starting this fall. Previously, eleven of the UNC campuses required health insurance and all but one of these campuses offered elective abortion coverage in their school sponsored health insurance, according to the National Partnership for Women and Families. Now students can choose to opt-out of or be automatically enrolled in the abortion coverage insurance pool. UNC system spokesperson Joni Worthington said that she was unaware of any previous complaints about the coverage.


CNS News 8/17/10; National Partnership for Women and Families 8/17/10

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