Yesterday, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) published their 2010 report about the current education situation for girls in Iraq. The report PDF analyzes the education system in Iraq and makes recommendations to both the Iraqi government and UNICEF Iraq to improve girls’ access to high quality instruction.
The overall number of children receiving primary education in Iraq has been declining since the 2004-05 school year, although girls’ enrollment in schools is much lower than that of boys and their drop out rate is higher. According to the study, “for every 100 boys enrolled in primary schools in Iraq, there are just under 89 girls.”
The report attributes girls’ under representation in schools to the lack of family approval of girls’ education, difficulties traveling to and from school, early marriages, and unsafe conditions and abuse at the school. To address these issues, UNICEF recommends improving school curriculum, providing safe transportation to the girls, implementing innovative educational strategies, and improving teacher training.