
URGENT ALERT! Abortion Terrorist Allegedly Robs Bank in Harrisburg PA

Clayton Lee Waagner, an abortion clinic terrorist who claims to be on a mission from God to kill abortion providers, escaped from an Illinois jail three months ago, and was allegedly caught on tape robbing a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, bank last Friday. The suspect wielded a gun during the robbery of the Lower Paxton Township bank, and then, according to a press report, sped away in a 1970s Volvo station wagon packed to the roof with various items. Law enforcement authorities consider Waagner to be armed and extremely dangerous. Waagner was arrested in 1999 with his wife and their eight children in a stolen Winnebago. Waagner had four handguns in his possession and said he had been receiving messages from God, ordering him to kill abortion providers.


New York Times Ð May 18, 2001

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