The US Supreme Court will resume next Monday, and the coming session promises tough cases on some of the most controversial issues of our time, including affirmative action, the separation of church and state, the death penalty, and racial profiling. In Adarand Constructors, Inc v. Mineta, the Court will decide the constitutionality of an affirmative action program designed to increase minority contracts in federal highway construction. The Court ruled in Adarand I that the affirmative action program then in effect was subject to strict constitutional scrutiny. Since that ruling, affirmative action rules have been rewritten, and the Tenth Circuit Court upheld those modified rules. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Adarand II will be an important one for the future of affirmative action programs in public contracts.
For more on the upcoming Supreme Court session, visit the ACLU online and the Supreme Court online.
As the Supreme Court session begins, feminists must remain vigilant against any anti-choice nominees. You can protect the Supreme Court and abortion rights by participating in the Feminist Majority’s Campaign at