
Vancouver Abortion Provider Stabbed

Dr. Garson Romalis, an abortion provider in Vancouver, British Columbia, was stabbed yesterday outside his medical office. Dr. Romalis suffered a near-fatal shooting in 1994. James Kopp is being sought both for that shooting and the murder of Dr. Barnett Slepian in 1998. Vancouver police are urging abortion service providers to go on “high alert,” and a US-Canadian joint law enforcement effort (including the FBI and the Justice Department’s National Task Force on Violence Against Abortion Providers) is now investigating the stabbing. Romalis’ assailant is believed to be a white male, about 20 years of age, between 5′ 9” and 5′ 10” with shoulder-length dark hair, and last wearing dark jeans and a black, hooded sweatshirt. The assailant fled the scene and is at-large. Several hundred abortion rights advocates demonstrated outside Romalis’ office last night, vowing to keep clinics open despite the campaign of domestic terrorism being waged against clinics, and showing their support for Romalis.


Feminist Majority Foundation Urgent Alert - 11 July 2000 and CBC - 12 July 2000

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