
Vermont Attorney Elected President of Business and Professional Women USA

Attorney Susan B. Dailey of Vermont was elected president of Business and Professional Women/USA (BPW), the nation’s leading advocate for working women.

BPW, an 80-year-old organization with 2,000 local chapters and 70,000 members nationwide, is facing a turning point with its young new leader. Dailey said that, ironically, the success of the organization has worked against them as young women today do not see the need for change in workplaces. Dailey’s goal is to capture the interest of young women.

Pay equity remains Dailey’s primary concern. “Equal pay now means the opportunity for equal retirement later,” Dailey said. “Women need to realize that the impact of pay inequity affects their quality of life way past their working years.” In a recent interview she asked, “Do you know that the average women has to work until April 3rd of next year to earn what the average man will by the end of this year? Well, we just don’t have that kind of time.”

Daily said she wants to show women that “being part of a larger voice is the most effective avenue for change.”


PR Newswire - July 22, 1998

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