
Violence Against Women Prevention Projects Hindered by Lack of Funds

United Nations agencies are feeling the repercussion of a growing problem witnessed in the global women’s movement – lack of resources to support and fund women’s projects. Specifically, the United Nation’s Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and its Trust Fund were forced to make narrow decisions on more than 200 funding requests totaling $12.5 million (US) dollars to fund only 17 projects with a total of $1 million (US) dollars aimed at eliminating violence against women. According to UNIFEM’s Executive Director, Noleen Heyzer the biggest obstacle in sponsoring violence prevention “is not a lack of ideas” but ” a lack of resources.” Programs funded by UNIFEM range from a Women’s Centre for Legal AID and Counseling in Jordan to promote dialogue among judges on issues like honour and crimes against women to the International Women’s Judges Association to assist with the creation of a group of 300 judicial officers and academicians to lead training sessions for judges on making informed decisions on violence against women and gender discrimination.


Inter Press Service (http://www.ips.org) 16 August 2000

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