
Wal-Mart Pledges to Stock and Provide EC

In a survey administered by Planned Parenthood, Wal-Mart has pledged in writing to stock and make emergency contraception available in all its stores. The survey, part of Planned Parenthood’s Fill My Pills Now Campaign, shows that Wal-Mart will fill prescriptions and requests for over-the-counter products “without discrimination (no harassment or lectures,” “without delay,” and “without judgment.” Furthermore, Wal-Mart has pledged to stock emergency contraception (EC) in every store where at least one person requests the drug and to assist customers in obtaining the drug if it is not available at a particular location.

Previously, Planned Parenthood had received complaints from several customers who were unable to obtain EC from Wal-Mart stores. In February 2006, however, after Wal-Mart lost a lawsuit on the issue, the company claimed to be providing emergency contraception to women without question. Now, for the first time, the policy is in writing.

Erin Keirnon from Planned Parenthood said of the development, “We think it’s an incredibly significant change. Wal-Mart’s policies are now enforceable since they now exist in writing. Our hope is that they’ll actually enforce them.”


Planned Parenthood release 4/4/07; Salon 4/4/07, 2/14/06

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