
Wariness of Hysterectomy is Often Warranted, But Can Be Risky

Clinical trials have just begun in the U.S. to test the effectiveness of a simple doctor’s office procedure to stop excessive menstrual bleeding. This condition now accounts for up to 20 percent of all hysterectomies, a procedure women have been warned against having unnecessarily. Studies have shown that many hysterectomies have been performed for no justifiable medical reason and may have only been financial endeavors on the part of physicians. Surgery rates have sharply declined since 1975 and will likely continue to do so as women become more aware of their options.

However, doctors are now warning that this concern could have negative effects as well. Some women have done further damage to their bodies because they were wary of having a hysterectomy when they did in fact need the procedure. Two doctors representing the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics recently identified the five main reasons for performing hysterectomies as: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, urogenital prolapse, adenomyosis, and cancer.


The Nando Net and the New York Times News Service - March 6, 1996

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