Health Reproductive Rights Take Action

We Need You At The Supreme Court!

We need you to stand with us at the Supreme Court on March 25 to preserve contraceptive access for millions of womenSome for-profit companies are trying to get out of providing contraception to their employees by challenging the Affordable Care Act’s birth control benefit, and we want to show the Court how much contraceptive coverage means to the millions of American women who rely on it.


The ACA birth control benefit requires insurance companies to cover FDA-approved contraceptives in all plans, meaning millions of women who receive their health insurance through their employers are now receiving birth control pills, IUDs, and emergency contraception without having to pay copays, coinsurance, or deductibles. But on March 25, the Court will hear arguments from two for-profit companies challenging expanded contraceptive access in the ACA – and then rule on whether women should make their own personal decisions about their birth control or whether their bosses should decide. RSVP today to join us outside the Court on March 25 to stand up for contraceptive access.

If you’re not able to come out to the Court this month, you can still make a difference by signing on to our open letter to the justices about these cases on Change. But if you can, RSVP today so we know we can count on you. In the meantime, tell your stories and share these opportunities to get involved on Twitter using the hashtag #MyBodyMyBC to help us build momentum and make our voices heard.

I hope I’ll see you soon!