President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama met with a group of eight mothers yesterday to discuss how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) benefits their families and to learn about the work these women have done in their communities to encourage people to learn about the law and sign up for health coverage.

“There’s something about moms,” remarked President Obama, who also noted that “women oftentimes are the ones who are making the health care decisions of the family.”
The ACA guarantees that all new health insurance plans, including plans purchased through state Health Insurance Marketplaces, must cover – without additional copays or coinsurance – maternity benefits, including pre- and post-natal care, as well as comprehensive breastfeeding counseling and support, contraception, and screening for STIs. Pediatric healthcare services are also covered without copays or coinsurance, including developmental screening, immunizations, pediatric dentistry, and vision screening, among other services.
“What the Affordable Care Act provides and can provide for so many families out there is peace of mind,” said First Lady Michelle Obama. “This isn’t about politics; its about making sure that every family has the peace of mind to know that if a child gets sick, or someone loses a job, or someone has an illness that requires hundreds of thousands of dollars in coverage, that they’re going to have the safety net that they need to make sure that they don’t lose their home, that they aren’t spending the rest of their lives paying off medical fees.”
Millions of Americans have visited to learn about the new health insurance options available to them and their families. Financial help is also available, so many families and individuals for whom health insurance was out of reach, may now be able to afford quality coverage.
Enroll by December 23 to get coverage by January 1. Visit or call 1-800-318-2596 and treat yourself to healthcare for the holidays!