
Women and Girls in Sports are Under Attack: Save Title IX!

Title IX (title nine) of the Education Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination against girls and women in federally-funded education, including in athletics programs. Title IX is the reason why girls and women have made such gains in education and particularly in sports. In 1971, only 294,015 girls participated in high school athletics. Today, over 2.7 million girls participate in high school athletics, an 847 percent increase, according to the Department of Education.

The Bush administration has called a “Blue Ribbon Commission” to hold a series of public hearings to evaluate the status and impact of Title IX. Women’s groups believe this to be the latest attempt to weaken Title IX. Young women across the country must tell the commission how Title IX has made a difference in their lives and on their campuses. We must debunk the myth that Title IX hurts male athletic programs.

Stay tuned for information about ways that you can support this landmark legislation for women and girls. In the meantime, check out https://feminist.org/sports/titleIX.html to learn more.

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