As the 2002 elections draw near, women throughout the nation are beginning to line up to run for seats in the Senate and House. The Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) has identified 13 women who are considering bids for places in the Senate. Of these women, nine are challenging current seat holders and four are in the running for the North Carolina seat vacated by Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC). In addition, three women currently in the Senate are up for re-election in 2002, including Jean Carnahan (D-MO), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Mary Landrieu (D-LA). On the House side, 21 women are running for office in districts with no incumbent and 4 women may run for U.S. Delegate seats. In 2002, the House will also lose two female members, Congresswomen Eva Clayton (D-NC) and Marge Roukema (R-NJ) both of whom are retiring.
Women are also seeking gubernatorial seats in the 2002 elections. According to CAWP, this year, 32 women may run in 22 states. Currently, there are only 5 women governors in the nation.