
Women Earn More BAs than Men

The National Center for Education Statistics released its 2008 “Condition of Education” report this week. Among statistical trends in student performance, public and private school funding, and teacher turnover, the Center’s report offers a look at the state of education for women in particular.

Key findings include:

Women earned 58% of all bachelor’s degrees awarded in 2005-06 (a 3% increase in the last decade).

Since 1995-96, the number of degrees earned by women increased 33% at the bachelor’s level (from 642,000 to 855,000).

While women have earned more bachelor’s degrees than men (in number and percentage) since the early 1980s, their share in particular fields have varied. In 2005-06 for example, women earned over 75% of bachelor’s degrees in health professions, education, and psychology and 50% in business—but only 21% in computer and information sciences, and 18% in engineering.


NCES 5/30/08

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