In an extensive series of articles in Monday’s Washington Post, women detailed some of their experiences with sexual harassment at the Mitsubishi Motor plant in Normal, Ill. Sandra Rushing said in addition to the daily jokes she endured, male co-workers fondled her breasts and crotch, drew pictures of her engaged in sex acts for the whole plant to see, and threatened to rape her. Rushing’s many complaints to her supervisor fell on deaf ears, she said. Rushing left her annual salary of $70,000 after one of the men who groped her was to become her supervisor. Rushing’s fiance and co-worker also quit.
The Post also reported on other women whose complaints of sexual harassment resulted in disciplinary actions against the women themselves. A related article described a situation in which the daughter of a woman plant worker was raped and murdered by a male co-worker after the mother refused his sexual advances. The case closed when the man committed suicide in his jail cell.
Mitsubishi is being sued by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for the alleged sexual harassment of at least 300 women since the plant’s opening in 1988.