
Women Hit by Faltering Economy

Women are more likely to be affected by the economy than men, according to a National Women’s Law Center poll released last week. Fifteen states and the District of Columbia have adopted anti-poverty measures that work towards reducing poverty, but women continue to face severe economic challenges.

Fifteen states and the District of Columbia have bi-partisan commissions to reduce poverty, especially the number of children living in poverty, according to Stateline.org. The programs rely on community involvement and political support to set specific poverty reduction goals. In 2004, Connecticut was the first state to pass a law to reduce child poverty by half within ten years.

Despite these economic initiatives, money challenges are growing for women. CNN reports that some women have gone so far as to donate their eggs to make ends meet. Though little is known about the long-term risks of the procedure, the number of potential egg donors is still increasing. One woman told CNN, “The cost of living is crazy right now, with two kids, gas prices and rent…I’m living paycheck to paycheck. I just really need the money to finish school.”

Marcia D. Greenberger, co-president of the National Women’s Law Center, stated in a press release, “Women today face enormous economic challenges. They often struggle to achieve economic security and health care that meets their needs, and face difficulties securing access to equal education and employment opportunities.”


Feminist News Wire 08/08/08; National Women's Law Center Press Release 08/06/08; CNN 08/08/08; Stateline.org 08/07/08; Women's eNews Cheers and Jeers 08/09/08

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