
Women Increasing Economic Power in Global Market

The fifth Global Summit of Women announced that women are increasing their impact on the global market and positioning themselves to ensure even greater economic power in the next century.

The summit, which included 400 participants from 73 countries, discussed the growing global power of women as company owners, top executives, corporate board members, politicians, and heads of voluntary organizations. Women own between one third and one fourth of all businesses worldwide. Forty percent of women business leaders are currently involved in the international marketplace. In the United States, more than 7.7 million women-owned businesses are currently generating $2.3 trillion in revenue.

“Global markets and women are often not used in the same sentence,” said summit director Irene Natividad who chairs the US National Commission on Working Women. “But increasingly, statistics show that women have economic clout– most visibly as entrepreneurs and most powerfully as consumers.”


Women's Connection Online - July 27, 1998

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