
Women Moving Into Traditionally Male-Dominated Professions

The Employment Policy Foundation reported this week that women are breaking into male-dominated fields, and getting paid well for it. From 1989-2001, the top 10 white-collar jobs where women’s participation increased included:

Profession 1989 2001
Veterinarians 2% 43%
Public Administrators 4% 37%
Math & Science Teachers up 600%
Chemistry Teachers up 400%
Industrial Engineers 6% 22%
Dentists up 300%
Physicians Assistants 20% 58%
Clergy 6% 18%

The study showed that the women in those growing fields are earning the same as their male counterparts, in terms of hours worked. Reduced hours of work for older women due to family and other obligations is still resulting in lower lifetime incomes, however.

According to the Christian Science Monitor, while many traditionally male professions are becoming increasingly gender-mixed, traditionally female professions remain female-dominated. Women still account for 97% or more of all receptionists, secretaries, and registered nurses.


Employment Policy Foundation, Christian Science Monitor

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