
Women’s Bar Association Program Focuses on Taliban, CEDAW

The Women’s Bar Association of the District of Columbia will host a special program entitled “War on Women: The Taliban’s Destruction of Human Rights in Afghanistan” this Thursday, March 11 at noon.

The group has invited Afghan native and Physicians for Human Rights public health researcher Zorah Rasekh to speak about the Taliban’s abuses of women as part of the program. Rasekh recently visited her homeland and will describe what she saw and experienced there during her time there. Program participants will also discuss strategies for increasing support for the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

Sponsors for the program include the American Bar Association’s Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, The Women’s Bar Association of the District of Columbia, and Physicians for Human Rights.

Members of the media who wish to attend should call Maureen Collins at 202-662-1091.


U.S. Newswire - March 8, 1999

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